Developmental Christian education formation programming

Developmental Christian education formation program planning is an approach that seeks to shape the educational programs in a congregation around the faith development needs of the members. While it appears to use an “age-graded” structure to programs, planning also incorporates the entire spectrum of psycho-social needs of the individual within the context of the faith community. Specifically, as much attention is given to inter- and intragenerational aspects of learning and faith because of the following three dynamics:

  • Faith is (always) corporate and therefore requires a community
  • The nature of faith communities is to be generative—to pass on the beliefs, values, and practices to the next generation
  • Faith formation is mediated by relationships in context and over time.

Taking our cue from developmental and faith theories we design developmental program emphases to address the developmental issues of the members and participants of the congregation. Using this framework a congregation’s Christian education formation offerings can better address the needs and dynamics of faith formation—rather than using a scattered “topics” approach, or giving overdue attention to people’s predilections.


The developmental needs of individuals are more complex than the chart hints, of course. But the chart can serve as a guide to determine what needs to be given attention when planning and designing congregational Christian education formation programs. When planning formal programs we need to also ask how best to use inter- and intragenerational dynamics to meet the needs of the stage group populations. For example, young adults need Christian vocation guidance as they enter careers and the workplace, while middle aged adults need to practice generativity—investing themselves in the next generation. This provides a natural touchpoint for intergenerational relationships through apprenticeship, mentoring, or merely sharing lessons learned from experience.

Use the above chart to do a quick, informal assessment of your congregation’s Christian education formation progams. How well do they address the developmental formation needs of the participants? How well does the programming facilitate intra- and inter-generational relationships and mutual learning?


Copyright (c) 2007, Israel Galindo. All rights reserved.

About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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