It’s been a while since we’ve had a GRACE Writes blog contest. Here’s a summer book contest for our readers and visitors. The first person to correctly identify the authors of four of the five works listed below correctly will win the book prize.
The prize is a copy of the newly-released Creation and Humanity: The Sources of Christian Theology, edited by Ian A. McFarland (Westminster John Knox Press, 2009). This is a terrific compilation of source materials on themes surrounding creation and theological anthropology. McFarland deals with four broad theological concepts, which comprise the chapters: God as Creator, The Creature, Evil and Sin, and Providence.
The contest: identify correctly the authors of four of the five works listed (each work appears in McFarland’s book):
1. First Apology
2. Confessions
3. The Interior Castle
4. Showings
5. The Future of Man.
The first person to identify, correctly, the authors of four of the five works gets the book. Good luck!
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