New resources added

We’ve posted some new resources on the Educational Consultants website. Look under the “/Resources/FREE Resources” section. Check them out, and check back periodically for new resource materials.

You’ll find a new section of handouts for Family Life and Parenting. Another handout is on “Ministering to the Terminally Ill and to Families Facing Life-threatening Illnesses.” This nine-page handouts pack can be useful for deacon or lay ministers training or for Stephens Ministries leaders.

You’ll also find a series of teaching handouts from a study called “A Crash Course in Church History.” These handouts are from a Sunday School class study I did some years ago. The set includes timelines, quizzes, and study handouts. You can use these as support or enrichment material for a study, or build your study around these themes or framework.
The handouts include:
* Test Your Church History Knowledge and The First 300 Years (5 pages)
* The Years 300 to 1054 (6 pages)
* The Years 1054 to 1305 (4 pages)
* The Reformation Timeline
* Scholasticism (2 pages)
* Calvinism and Armenianism chart
* The Denominations (2 pages).

Additional Church History related handouts posted are: A denominations quiz; What Do Baptists Believe? (1 page); “Baptists” an introductory article (1 page).

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About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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