I’ve appreciated Jon challenging our group of misfits to engage in dialogue through this blog. While I can understand why blogging can seem like a chore to some, there are several good reasons to jump in and participate. For one thing, as brain experts Fernette and Brock Eide point out, blogging is good for your brain. Simply put, if you want to be smarter, then blog!
I suppose part of this dynamic is related simply enough to the act of writing. As I am fond of telling aspiring writers, “writing is thinking.” And given that thinking is my “drug of choice,” it’s not a surprise that I enjoy writing. There’s something very satisfying about firing up those neurons and releasing that natural dopamine high when your brain gets flushed with electrical stimuli kick-started by wrapping your mind around a concept or birthing an idea or mulling over a notion.
When it comes to the brain muscle, use it or lose it, folks. So, I hope to see you blogging soon.
<%image(20070217-IGMatrix100.jpg|100|131|Have you fed your brain today?)%>
“If triangles had a God, he’d have three sides.” (Old Yiddish proverb)
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