Whom Do Men Say That I Am?

What would ministry be without a good joke from time to time? I forgot where I found this one, but I thought it was pretty good. I hope it will give you a chuckle for the day.

And his disciples answered and said: “Some say that you are John the Baptist returned from the dead; others say Elias or another of the prophets.”

And Jesus answered and said, “But whom do you say that I am?”

Peter answered and said: “Thou are the Logos, existing in the Father as His rationality and then by an act of His will, being generated, in consideration of the various functions by which God is related to His creation, but only on the fact that Scripture speaks of a Father, and a Son, and a Holy Spirit, each member of the Trinity being coequal with every other member, and each acting inseparably with and interpenetrating every other member, with only an economic subordination within God, but causing no division which would make the substance no longer simple.”

And Jesus answering said, “What?”


About mcanaday

Marty Canaday is Minister of Christian Formation at Derbyshire Baptist Church in Richmond, VA
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