The pastoral life. Heavenly?

I often tell people that I’ve never had a bad job, and I can say that honestly. I even enjoyed my years in parish ministry, due in great part to having landed in a great congregation. Although pastoral ministry remains one of the most unique and challenging jobs today (and according to the National Opinion Research Center it is a job that reports a higher level of satisfaction than more “prestigious” careers), like most any job is has its plusses and minuses.


Check out coach and consultant Margaret Marcuson’s two recent playful blog entries on “Ten Ways Ministry Can Be Heavenly Job” and “Ten Ways Ministry Isn’t a Heavenly Job.”

I couldn’t resist adding my own list. What’s on you’re list of what’s best and worst about the unique work and vocation of ministry?


The complete National Opinion Research Center (NOR) report can be downloaded here.

About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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