I’m not worth much

I had an insurance salesman I worked with for a few years who always asked the question, “What’s your net worth?” I never had that information at my fingertips and so was never prepared to answer. He always seemed surprised that I didn’t know my “net worth” off the top of my head. And I was always annoyed that he seemed to think that was an important indicator of . . . well, something. While I find some people’s point of reference as to what constitutes what is of worth odd or off-putting, I remind myself of the axiom dear to the hearts of those with a penchant for educational assessment and psychometric experimentation that everything exists in a certain amount, and, therefore, can be measured.

So, I just found out that I’m worth $4490.00 . . . dead!

$4490.00The Cadaver Calculator – Find out how much your body is worth

Mingle2Online Dating

At least, my body is worth that amount according the Cadaver Calculator site.

It’s a bit humbling to think that I can probably get more than that just selling off the books in my library—at a discount! And it’s agonizing to think that the cost of my formal education does not even factor here! Given the factors that went into calculating my biological net worth I’m sort of glad I don’t invest a LOT of time huffin’ puffin’ and sweatin’ to the oldies in a lost cause. Given the span of years I have left and the likely return on investment from that kind of activity I think I’d do better investing time and energy in the cultivation of mind and spirit. And, as Paul said, “Bodily exercise profiteth but a little.”

So, what are you worth, dead? (I’d make this another contest but for fear some would find it rather morbid and others take too much misplaced glee in getting a higher score).


About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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