I recently read an online article along the lines of “10 Skills Every Man Should Have.” I was pleased that I had them all (although it’s been a while since I’ve had the need to weld anything). I wondered what a list of “50 Skills Every Pastoral Leader Needs to Have” would look like. Here’s my list:
1. Write a sermon
2. Preach well
3. Lead a meeting
4. Make a hospital visit
5. Make a home visit
6. Read a budget
7. Lead a committee meeting
8. Lead a business meeting
9. Perform a baptism
10. Perform a wedding
11. Lead a confirmation/discipleship class
12. How to write an effective lesson
13. Exegete a passage
14. Keep up with current events
15. How to craft a worship service
16. Remember people’s names
17. Lead a retreat
18. Write a newsletter column
19. Write a condolence letter
20. Write a stewardship letter
21. Preach a stewardship sermon
22. Lead a staff meeting
23. Deliver a eulogy
24. Conduct a graveside service
25. Tell a scary campfire story
26. Turn off the building fire alarm
27. How to talk to teenagers
28. Unclog a toilet
29. Train ushers
30. Entertain the bishop, DS, or deacon chair
31. Set time aside for personal growth
32. Manage personal time
33. Hire (and keep) a good church administrative assistant
34. Fire troubling staff
35. Give away responsibility
36. Delegate
37. Detriangle
38. Tell a joke
39. Handle panhandlers
40. Teach a class
41. Say “No.” ten different ways, politely
42. Read a contract
43. Lead a children’s sermon
44. Negotiate a bank loan
45. Deal with a contractor
46. Lead hymn singing
47. Select a hymn for a worship service
48. Read a balance sheet
49. Pray.
O.k., that’s only 49. What would you add to the list to complete it?
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