Create Better Online Discussion Questions

Using a hybrid format for a course often means increasing the use of the online discussion forum as a primary pedagogy. This can enhance the learning experience, deepen comprehension, and offer a means for more immediate application of knowledge. It is sometimes difficult, however, to hone the skill of asking the best KIND of questions for the online environment. Too often we tend to revert to rudimentary “comprehension” questions that may be necessary in a classroom concepts-acquisition pedagogy, but not very optimal in the online environment. As always, a helpful question to ask when designing every component of your course is: “What pedagogical function does this serve?”

Here is a great short piece by Stephanie Maher Palenque, MA and Meredith DeCosta on “The Art and Science of Successful Online Discussions.” Their major points can make a great checklist for reviewing your online discussion forum questions. Do your questions merely solicit basic comprehension, or do they move the students to deeper learning?

About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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