Kudos to Meg Hess in CC

I was gratified to read a fine article by Margaret “Meg” Hess in the current issue of the Christian Century magazine. Meg is a participant in the Leadership in Ministry Workshops (LIM) and has written a couple of articles for our LIM newsletter.

Meg’s article in the current issue of Christian Century is titled “High Anxiety: Dealing With Critics.” The article begins,

Responding effectively to criticism in ministry has been one of my growing edges for many years. On a good day, when I’m well rested, spiritually grounded and in touch with my inner warrior woman, and the planets are properly aligned, I handle criticism just fine. But on my bad days, I’m pretty lousy about staying in my own skin when someone comes at me with a criticism, especially about my preaching.

You can read the entire article on Christian Century online here.

Kudos, Meg! A nice piece.


About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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