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Category Archives: bowen family systems theory
How education can change the brain
I’m just back from three days at the Lost River spring session of Leadership in Ministry Workshop (LIM). One presentation re-visited the topic of the brain and systems theory, and one other made reference to the brain’s functioning as a … Continue reading
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Rick asks about multigenerational patterns
Rick, yes, I think that much of the value of working on our family-of-origin and on our personal growth (working toward individuation, our maturity, working at being more self-differentiated, etc.) is that we are better able to change our ways … Continue reading
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Observations at the end of a crisis week
I recently observed a system go through about a week of acute anxiety which spawned reactivity in the system. All systems experience episodes of acute anxiety, of course, but systems manifest it differently. Relatively stable and non-anxious, high-functioning systems seem … Continue reading
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People’s motives
Yesterday someone asked me what I meant when I said I �don�t question people�s motives.� I find that engaging in questioning (or second-guessing) the motives people have for doing things is a fruitless exercise. First of all, the cause of … Continue reading
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Systems sermons
I had a conversation recently with someone about “how to teach systems theory,” a question that comes up more frequently with the growing interest in systems theory related to clergy and congregaional leadership. I’m convinced that most people go about … Continue reading
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On churches and societal regression
I received an e-mail from a doctoral student who is doing his work on Bowen Family Systems theory and churches. He asked, “…I wonder if you might provide a comment on Societal Emotional Process’s effects in the church. I am … Continue reading
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