So many books . . .

Recently, my friend Margaret wrote an interesting post about reading (see “How fast do you read?” ). As intended, it gave me pause to think about my own reading habits.


It seems in the larger scheme of things I read lot of books, which is not surprising, given that, as someone said once, they are the “tools of the trade” in my vocation. Right now I’m in the process of culling my library, opening up shelf space for the newer books stacked and stuffed throughout my study. And, I try to post a book review regularly on the blog. But I must confess that I am humbled and daunted by the likes of Grady Harp, who, according to Slate is Amazon’s top reviewer who has an astounding 3,500 books, and CD reviews to his credit on Amazon.

The competitive part of me gets excited at having a goal to shoot for: 3,501! But that’s only for a second as I realize that (1) I’m long past the sophomoric stage of wanting to read everything that comes my way and have settled on being more discerning about what I read, and (2) given that Mr. Harp reads about 45 books a week (yes, that’s right, a week), there’s just no way for me to ever catch up anyway.

So many books . . . so little time.


About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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