A new Lenten art and poetry group study has been posted on the Educational Consultants website (you?ll find it under the ?Resources/FREE Resources? section). The handouts are from a Lenten art and poetry presentation titled, “Poetry, Art, and the Spirituality of Imagination.” The file contains a list of poems related to the passion narratives and handouts with discussion questions for a four-session study.
Print it out and file it away for next year?s Lenten season. You can adapt this study by using your own art and format of study, or just focus on the poems. The poems are easily available from several sources, including the internet, anthologies and in collections of poems by the authors.
The .pdf file contains ten pages that include:
Overview handout
Week 1: Entering the Lenten Season discussion handout
Week 2: Prayer and Betrayal discussion handout
Week 3: The Passion discussion handout
Week 4: Hope and Glory discussion handout.