Tomorrow marks the official “back to school†mark for me with the requisite faculty “retreat†(that in quotes as there’s nothing akin to a retreat about it. Let’s all just admit that it’s work-related, therefore work). So, summer is officially over, and along with it, summer travels.
They say traveling is educational in the sense that it expands one’s worldview. I got world travel out of my system when I was much younger, and today don’t feel much compelled to put up with the discomfort and inconvenience of tourist travel (not the least of which is putting up with airline travel). But I’m happy for the memories and experiences of those interesting places I have visited.
I hope you got in some summer traveling to interesting places. A couple of my friends are squeezing in the last minute escapes before the back-to-school season. Just in case you didn’t here’s a link to sights of some very interesting places . Perhaps you’ll put some of these on your list for next summer!