Buechner Benedictions

I’m a Frederick Buechner fan and particularly like two benedictions that he has written. Let me share them with you.

“May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
May God give you grace never to sell yourself short;
Grace to risk something big for something good;
Grace to remember that the world is now
too dangerous for anything but truth
and too small for anything but love.

So may God take your mind and think through it;
May God take your voice and sing through it;
May God take your heart and set it on fire!”


“Go now and serve God doing things
that God needs you to do:
Singing songs for God;
Creating beautiful things for God;
Giving things up for God;
Telling God what’s on your mind
and in your heart;
Rejoicing in God
and making a fool of yourself for God,
the way lovers have always made fools of themselves
for the one they love.” (modified)

Share benedictions (yours or others) that are meaningful to you!


About mcanaday

Marty Canaday is Minister of Christian Formation at Derbyshire Baptist Church in Richmond, VA
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