Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (BTSR) makes a splash in the latest issue of the Religious Herald, the state Baptist paper of Virginia (Feb 8, 2007, Vol. 180 No 3). The issue has a front page above-the-fold feature story about the seminary. Page four has a news item by Dr. Kim Siegenthaler, Director of the seminary’s School of Christian Ministry (SCM). The article provides information of the seven four-week on-line courses to be offered in February.
You’ll also want to notice the ads for courses and conferences through the seminary’s School of Christian Teaching throughout the paper on pages 2, 7, 11, 13, 14. Drs. Jim Peak and Kim Siegenthaler have done a great job of manifesting the vision of the seminary to be a “front line provider” of theological education to congregations.
Congregational Christian educators, pastors and program staff alike, know the importance of developing and training church members involved in ministries. But the realities of budget, time, and expertise often results in a failure to provide that important development component as part of their ministry. BTSR’s programs through the SCM is an effective and affordable way to address this need.
The Religious Herald
Learn more about the School of Christian Ministry