What’s in a name?

A colleague is making a change in his church staff position. He’s struggling with coming up with a new ministry job title. He says, “While I realize the main thing is how one functions, job titles are suggestive and important.”

He’s moving from a generalist position as Minister of Christian Formation, to a more focused ministry with adults. Here are some titles he’s considering.

  • Minister of Adult Education
  • Minister of Adult Christian Education
  • Minister of Adults
  • Minister with Adults
  • Minister to Adults
  • Minister for adults
  • Associate Pastor of Adults
  • Pastoral Educator (of, for, with) Adults
  • Pastoral Minister (of, for, with ) Adults.

What are your thoughts? Which would be your preference? What titles does your congregation use?


About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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