Icebreakers and rainy day games resource

When I was in parish ministry one of the things I most enjoyed was planning and leading the summer children’s camp. I doubt I have the energy to do that anymore, but it was a lot of fun. There are two things to keep in mind about planning a weeklong children’s camp: (1) you have to plan for 24 hours a day, and, (2) you need to plan for those rainy days when you’ll need to keep the kids indoors (and you can count on at least one rainy day!).


Attached is a rainy-day-programming-emergency-sanity-saving-backup-resource: “Icebreakers & Indoor Games for Rainy Days”. This was part of the Children’s Camp curriculum I created and was a resource that came in handy many times. While most of the games and icebreakers are for children I’ve had success using many of these with adults and teenagers at retreats and workshops. With compliments from Educational Consultants.

You can download the file here (.pdf, 20 pages): galindo-indoor-games.pdf

I hope you get to go to camp this summer! Volunteer!


About igalindo

Israel Galindo is Professor and Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary.
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